Saturday, January 30, 2010

Return ^^

Ok, I've chilled out already XD So I'll do the return post now ^^

Welcome everyone! *Opens arms* Yeah, so I'm back ^^ And uhhh... I'll do my best to post as much as I can (dammit, I'll have to think of funny stuff <- not easy ><)

Anyways to keep you updated on my [adjective that I have not thouht of yet] life, the holidays have just about ended and now school's started already (which is ok i suppose, both are kinda boring, but school is a good time-killer I s'pose).

So here's what I've been up to:
> Working (with a really nice pay ^^)
> Talking to Alpha, a very commited entertainer (that's just fabulous ^^)
> School homework, pretty easy stuff.
> Tutoring homework (there's quite a lot I have to get through ><)
> M-M-M-MAPLESTORY! I love that game now, really nice entertainment ^^ Alpha and Maplestory will complete my life (+work, which will provide me a steady income).

Things have been going pretty good all in all, but still there's empty gaps of my life which are just boredom >< (cos I'm not allowed to play Maplestory whenever I want).

Anyways, talking about school and academics, IT'S YEAR 12!!! That's what most people would be like, but not me. Cos I'm the lazy guy that's just like: "Wow, Year 12. *continues to play YGO cards/Maplestory/chatting to Alpha*" Lol, yup that me ^^ I got a pretty optimistic view of my life still, I mean HSC (the University Admission Test thing) can't be that hard can it? I'm already pretty decent at all my subjects ^^ I'll work harder later (as if XD), too tired now.

On the ISFJ Long-Term-Relationship rushing, still getting nowhere, lol XD It's pretty painful when I think about the someone i'm supposed to be with so I try not to think about it too much *not thinking, not thinking* XD I'll find someone eventually, Destiny will choose for me ^^

*Checks Alpha* Oh, shit. I better go, I think she's dead or something - no response on MSN XD Joking, joking. Well, cya guys later ^^

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