Monday, January 4, 2010


Kaltxí aysmuk. (Hello, brothers and sisters)

Again we turn to another hilarious, but tragic, episode of my life. You may think it is funny, as I intend to make you think, but in fact it is not funny at all. I trust you have read my previous post. Yes, it is about that. Mr Malevolent has decided to lead another assault on my already fail and falling-apart life. He has dropped two bombs on my life, one bomb called 'mother' and one bomb called 'father'.

So, exactly what's the problem? Well, I for one can not survive without my internet. I lead a fail life where nothing works out. You can compare my life to a jigsaw puzzle... where none of the puzzle pieces match. I am feeling more and more dead day by day. My msn and other online chatting methods extremely valuable to my life and now my parents forbid it. Do they not know how important it is to me? Do they think I use it just for fun? No. It required for my living. It is like the oxygen you breathe. You may want MSN, but let me tell you, I NEED it.

I do not like Mr Malevolent. I do not like his bombs. Given the chance I would do utterly horrible things to Mr Malevolent. However Mr Malevolent is not a physical being, so I am never given that chance. Again, as you have probably predicted, Mr Malevolent's driving-next-to-a-cliff skills are not top-notch... and neither are his 'flying bus' skills. So let me describe to you what exactly is happening in this metaphor of mine. We are in free-fall... no, free fall implies you are free. We are in 'prison fall' and no, we are not gracefully falling off the cliff, we are smashing against the cliff face. It is not fun at all.

You might ask, what do I do now, that I am not allowed to use MSN while doing work? I do not do work at all. I troll. I troll by lying on the sofa belly-down, face-up, arms to the side and just think. Think how fail my life is. How it is crumbling away, being destroyed by the impact of two bombs.

No one understands how I feel now, you know? It is very tragic. And do not say that you do understand, because you do not. And if you did understand, you would definately had had this experience before, that everything before your eyes is crumbling, then perhaps you would understand. But, then I feel extremely sorry for you, because this feeling is not very nice at all.

Hopefully I have not just destroyed your spirits, wilted the flower, or killed the sun. My heart is almost dead.


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