Monday, January 11, 2010

White Blood Cells.

Ok, so you probably know quite a bit about the human body. White Blood Cells, or leukocytes are the cells in your body that are made to protect you against harmful bacteria and viruses. If you knew me two years ago, you would know that I like always have what seems like a cold. Every day I don't go out, I get this 'cold' (Weekends and Holidays). Once I had this "cold" for like half a year, non-stop (Even when I went outside). It's gotten quite a bit better now, but it's still not completely gone.

About a year ago I went to see the doctor to have it diagnosed (after it affecting me for like 3 months). And apparently it wasn't a cold but hayfever. So I got Antibodies, medicine, nosesprays and all kind of shit for it, lol. None of it worked, which was pretty lol XD

Personally I think my WBCs (White Blood Cells) are cooperating with this Hayfever virus/bacteria. Like seriously having a mutalistic symbiotic relationship (where both get something out of each other) cos there'd be no way after 6 months with the help of antibodies and medicine it had not healed. So yeah, that's what I'm thinking, lol.

There is another possible explaination. That my WBCs just suck against Hayfever. It might be like a pokemon weakness thing. *Hayfever attacks Shinichi -> IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!* Yeah, like that.

Some of you may have heard of this but apparently humans are subconsciously attracted to someone of opposite sex with a genetic makeup that completes their own - so when they have a child, that child is covered against both of its parent's weaknesses. Well, seriously if that's true, my partner is gonna be like Hayfever Tank, like *BOOM! ANTI-HAYFEVER MISSILE!* cos personally I suck against Hayfever (though I do seem to be pretty well equipped against everything else ^^)

Recently, after the weekday-hayfever has healed for quite some time (the weekend hayfever is still going), it's kinda coming back (probs cos it's the holidays) and I spend like the whole morning sneezing ---" which does in fact piss me off!

Anyways, that's bascially it for this post ^^ and if you are Ms Hayfever Tank, feel free to contact me ^^ JKJK XD

Have a time, guys.

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