Monday, January 11, 2010

Life's Game

So, [how many times have I used 'so'? Way too many XD) I must admit to the world, quite lately I have indeed been "off my game". This game I talk about is Life's Game. Life is a challenge, and a difficult one at times. I know and admit it has knocked me over it the recent time and I have been crawling, pathetically might I say. But let know that I am now who I once was, the Freepoints you all knew. And you might say, "Alas Freepoints is back" and with that I would reply, "Indeed."

I shall not lose to the attacks of this so called Mr Malevolent. I shall persevere will pride and glory and when the time comes, I shall savour my divine victory, that I, Freepoints, have won my prize.

No longer do I long and rage for something that may not occur, but I now shall play this game calmly. There are rules and rules to be followed. And the best way to win this game, is to act calm and cool, not to become a monster consumed by negative emotions.

So, all my fellow readers, wish me luck in this game I play, where patience, self-dependence, inner strength, are tested. Hope that I win this game I speak of and I shall not disappoint you. This game is mine to win. I shall claim my prize in the end.

And as my motto says: "Live Free."

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