Friday, January 8, 2010

~Tinny~ (Yes, this is random post ><)

Ok, new post as suggested by a friend, ~Tinny~ (I put the tildas in to make the name look cool, lol XD). So yeah… You’ve probably already got the idea that I have no idea what I’m gonna talk about… and this is… errrr… made up on the spot ^^ This post is actually pretty funny, cos I think ~Tinny~ was just joking when she told me to make a post about her, and I’m actually doing this. So kinda like… “The joke’s on you, Tinny XD” (Actually it's not going to be that funny ---")

So, this is from what she PM’d me: “i'm so hot i make you all like this: ♥ 3 ♥ JKKK .” Lol, very random, but probs no doubt on that quote XD. And I’m like gonna talk about... I have no idea ---“ ~Tinny~ likes abusing the ♥ as you can obviously see there ^^ and apparently she’s like ISTJ? Something like that I remember. Personally I still reckon she’s an E (extravert) more than I (introvert) ^^

Ok, you probably can get the idea that I don’t have much to say about her, and you would be right. Cos personally I’m not exactly a guy that likes to say what I think of people. And lol, this is such a fail post >< (I probably shouldn’t have even posted this XD)

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