Saturday, January 30, 2010

Return ^^

Ok, I've chilled out already XD So I'll do the return post now ^^

Welcome everyone! *Opens arms* Yeah, so I'm back ^^ And uhhh... I'll do my best to post as much as I can (dammit, I'll have to think of funny stuff <- not easy ><)

Anyways to keep you updated on my [adjective that I have not thouht of yet] life, the holidays have just about ended and now school's started already (which is ok i suppose, both are kinda boring, but school is a good time-killer I s'pose).

So here's what I've been up to:
> Working (with a really nice pay ^^)
> Talking to Alpha, a very commited entertainer (that's just fabulous ^^)
> School homework, pretty easy stuff.
> Tutoring homework (there's quite a lot I have to get through ><)
> M-M-M-MAPLESTORY! I love that game now, really nice entertainment ^^ Alpha and Maplestory will complete my life (+work, which will provide me a steady income).

Things have been going pretty good all in all, but still there's empty gaps of my life which are just boredom >< (cos I'm not allowed to play Maplestory whenever I want).

Anyways, talking about school and academics, IT'S YEAR 12!!! That's what most people would be like, but not me. Cos I'm the lazy guy that's just like: "Wow, Year 12. *continues to play YGO cards/Maplestory/chatting to Alpha*" Lol, yup that me ^^ I got a pretty optimistic view of my life still, I mean HSC (the University Admission Test thing) can't be that hard can it? I'm already pretty decent at all my subjects ^^ I'll work harder later (as if XD), too tired now.

On the ISFJ Long-Term-Relationship rushing, still getting nowhere, lol XD It's pretty painful when I think about the someone i'm supposed to be with so I try not to think about it too much *not thinking, not thinking* XD I'll find someone eventually, Destiny will choose for me ^^

*Checks Alpha* Oh, shit. I better go, I think she's dead or something - no response on MSN XD Joking, joking. Well, cya guys later ^^

Really pissed atm.

Sorry everyone won't be doing a return post today (probs will do it tomoz), really pissed at the moment so that's the reason.
> My computer was being freaking laggy.
> I wasted my time in Maplestory.

Mainly the first one. I get really angry when my computer lags, and it does that all time...

Anyways, I'll do a post when I can (and when I've chilled out).

Yeah, cyaz.

Monday, January 18, 2010

He is not dead.

I must admit to all that the ISFJ in myself is still not dead and that the desires I once had still exist and resurface occasionally. Perhaps it is a good thing to keep this balance between my current state and the ISFJ in me. Or perhaps I am simply foolish enough to risk downfall once again.

I can assure you, you who know you are, that despite this dark and uncaring demeanor I now have, there is no doubt that if you are in danger that the ISFJ in myself will break through my consciousness and whether you wish it or not I will protect you with everything I have. Perhaps you may think I do not care for you anymore but you would be wrong because there is a part of me that still cherishes the desires and possibilities of the future you gave me, leading the ISFJ in me to think that it was not completely a downfall.

Whatever be the link between us, the relationship, whether it be friends, my confidants, my sister, my betrothed, I will always be watching over you. I will be the lone wolf that hides in the shadows, only to watch over the one that means most to him, without you knowing. I will be that Guardian Angel, silent but watching, protective, serving.

Lone Wolf.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lone Wolf

How nice of you to visit again, dear readers. As the title suggests I am a lone wolf and a king that sits in a throne with only ghosts in his Kingdom.

I came to realise that I was not meant to be who I thought I was, the ridiculous one who cared for everyone close so much. I realised that I would only suffer and be driven insane if someone would get too close to me. My confidants are no longer my confidants because I expect too much and receive too little and my world collapsed upon itself to bring ruin only to me.

However I am a new person. I accept that I am meant to be just one person who is to live and care for nothing, to dream dreams and live those worlds of Imagination. There are packs of wolves and couples of wolves but I, I am the wolf that hunts by himself. I am that lone wolf.

I am the King that sits on his throne in an empty Kingdom entertained by the Jester that exist in my Imagination. And I command my servants that do not exist:

"A goblet of water, a plate of food,
Bring me whatever, that fits my mood."

This world is not my world. My world is in the Imagination where miracles happen, and where you can expect much and get more. And the battle of two personalities still rage within me, to become who I once was and be destined to fall and rot. Or to become a new one, uncaring, cruel, but he who shall never fall.

Shall I risk my destruction again, or encase myself in my world of Imagination?


Friday, January 15, 2010


Welcome again, readers. I am here because my Jester, the one who entertains me and who from now on shall be referred to as “Alpha” is temporarily unavailable. So henceforth I am here to entertain myself here by blogging about whatever I please.

I have had a few Jesters however some of them, “Epsilon”, “Gamma”, were redundant, they do not entertain myself anymore, or they are not committed enough to entertain me and thus have been ‘dismissed’. You perhaps see myself as a slave driver, however if you do wish to entertain me you will find out that it is not so hard, so long as you are committed enough for the job. I am still wondering what these Jesters gain from entertaining me, perhaps like myself, entertaining others entertains them. But whatever the reason they choose to entertain me, I am grateful for their effort.

Maybe you ask why I am so demanding, why must I have people to entertain me when games and movies are available? It is because mere games and movies are only temporary and mostly ineffective relief from my state of boredom. It takes brains and heart to entertain me, it is the same reason why you cannot replace a human with a computer – they are completely different things. People are intriguing, their personalities for me to study and take note, their details, habits, style. However of course, that is not all that entertains me, their words their spirit and life also provide me with my enjoyment.

Anyways, my readers, I am done talking and describing to you about my, perhaps, interesting or you may say strange or ridiculous entertainment methods of people. Until next time, readers.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Welcome once again, dear readers. I must admit it has been quite a while since I have posted. Things are changing and I must keep up with the ride. However let me update you on my life, I will, of course not go into the details as there is quite some privacy concerned.

As I have said, things are changing and my situation now is perhaps a little fuzzy. If life is full of surprises, I suppose this is one of them. Not only am I feeling less and less miserable by the day, I am also feeling more and more powerful. I will no longer be the pathetic scrap that lies on the ground crawling, nor will I return back to the original ‘Freepoints’. I have been reborn, fellows.

I have said before, life is a game. That much is true, and I will no doubt not fall loser to be game, but shall claim victory with ease. The rules of this little game I play have changed and so must I in order to make fit myself for the prize. These ridiculous details and desires I once had in my life are pieces of pathetic memory worth discarding – if I could discard them.

Have I changed for the better or worse? That is for you to find out, and then decide, dear readers. You may think already now, I sound dark and perhaps evidently evil, but is that really my present form? Take a thought, readers. I am not who I once was.


Monday, January 11, 2010

White Blood Cells.

Ok, so you probably know quite a bit about the human body. White Blood Cells, or leukocytes are the cells in your body that are made to protect you against harmful bacteria and viruses. If you knew me two years ago, you would know that I like always have what seems like a cold. Every day I don't go out, I get this 'cold' (Weekends and Holidays). Once I had this "cold" for like half a year, non-stop (Even when I went outside). It's gotten quite a bit better now, but it's still not completely gone.

About a year ago I went to see the doctor to have it diagnosed (after it affecting me for like 3 months). And apparently it wasn't a cold but hayfever. So I got Antibodies, medicine, nosesprays and all kind of shit for it, lol. None of it worked, which was pretty lol XD

Personally I think my WBCs (White Blood Cells) are cooperating with this Hayfever virus/bacteria. Like seriously having a mutalistic symbiotic relationship (where both get something out of each other) cos there'd be no way after 6 months with the help of antibodies and medicine it had not healed. So yeah, that's what I'm thinking, lol.

There is another possible explaination. That my WBCs just suck against Hayfever. It might be like a pokemon weakness thing. *Hayfever attacks Shinichi -> IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!* Yeah, like that.

Some of you may have heard of this but apparently humans are subconsciously attracted to someone of opposite sex with a genetic makeup that completes their own - so when they have a child, that child is covered against both of its parent's weaknesses. Well, seriously if that's true, my partner is gonna be like Hayfever Tank, like *BOOM! ANTI-HAYFEVER MISSILE!* cos personally I suck against Hayfever (though I do seem to be pretty well equipped against everything else ^^)

Recently, after the weekday-hayfever has healed for quite some time (the weekend hayfever is still going), it's kinda coming back (probs cos it's the holidays) and I spend like the whole morning sneezing ---" which does in fact piss me off!

Anyways, that's bascially it for this post ^^ and if you are Ms Hayfever Tank, feel free to contact me ^^ JKJK XD

Have a time, guys.

Life's Game

So, [how many times have I used 'so'? Way too many XD) I must admit to the world, quite lately I have indeed been "off my game". This game I talk about is Life's Game. Life is a challenge, and a difficult one at times. I know and admit it has knocked me over it the recent time and I have been crawling, pathetically might I say. But let know that I am now who I once was, the Freepoints you all knew. And you might say, "Alas Freepoints is back" and with that I would reply, "Indeed."

I shall not lose to the attacks of this so called Mr Malevolent. I shall persevere will pride and glory and when the time comes, I shall savour my divine victory, that I, Freepoints, have won my prize.

No longer do I long and rage for something that may not occur, but I now shall play this game calmly. There are rules and rules to be followed. And the best way to win this game, is to act calm and cool, not to become a monster consumed by negative emotions.

So, all my fellow readers, wish me luck in this game I play, where patience, self-dependence, inner strength, are tested. Hope that I win this game I speak of and I shall not disappoint you. This game is mine to win. I shall claim my prize in the end.

And as my motto says: "Live Free."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'd Like You To Meet My Friend

Hello readers, I will introduce you to a very good (and trusty, loyal [insert good friendly words here]) friend, Sir Trisquare. So you might be wondering who is this affamed 'Sir Trisquare' and why the hell does he have the name of a mathematic instrument? I will answer these questions of yours.

Sir Trisquare is not a very tall man and how should I describe his build? Muscular, strong, well built altogether... not to mention... WOODY. He's about 2 feet tall, but he's pretty tall compared to the rest of his family, which are like... plastic and small. And errr... no offense there Sir Trisquare, but he's a bit T-shaped... *he's not looking very happy*. BUT T-SHAPED IS GOOD for a fine, young, sexy Trisquare trying to impress sexy, beautiful Trisquare chicks. *He's very proud of his shape now*.

So uhhh, you might ask, how did we met? Well not to say it was unlike Frankenstein's monster, but... I got pieces of his dead family (trees) and put them together, then with a bit of work... HE'S ALIVE!!!!! ALIVE!!!!

Me and Sir Trisquare are like comrades in arms. We've fought side by side against Mr Malevolent and against all the heat of the war, we've been supportive of each other and now, we're best of friends. Mind you, Sir Trisquare even took a bullet for me, for which he was later knighted by the Queen (Hence the 'Sir').

So I hope you've enjoyed meeting Sir Trisquare and hope you'll eventually get to know my good, old, WOODY mate a bit better over time. He's occasionally pop up and say "Hi" (a silent "Hi" mind you).

Laterzzzzzz ^^

P.S. I'm with Sir Trisquare like 24/7 dude. He's real good and knocking out any potential theives, kidnappers, etc.

Friday, January 8, 2010

~Tinny~ (Yes, this is random post ><)

Ok, new post as suggested by a friend, ~Tinny~ (I put the tildas in to make the name look cool, lol XD). So yeah… You’ve probably already got the idea that I have no idea what I’m gonna talk about… and this is… errrr… made up on the spot ^^ This post is actually pretty funny, cos I think ~Tinny~ was just joking when she told me to make a post about her, and I’m actually doing this. So kinda like… “The joke’s on you, Tinny XD” (Actually it's not going to be that funny ---")

So, this is from what she PM’d me: “i'm so hot i make you all like this: ♥ 3 ♥ JKKK .” Lol, very random, but probs no doubt on that quote XD. And I’m like gonna talk about... I have no idea ---“ ~Tinny~ likes abusing the ♥ as you can obviously see there ^^ and apparently she’s like ISTJ? Something like that I remember. Personally I still reckon she’s an E (extravert) more than I (introvert) ^^

Ok, you probably can get the idea that I don’t have much to say about her, and you would be right. Cos personally I’m not exactly a guy that likes to say what I think of people. And lol, this is such a fail post >< (I probably shouldn’t have even posted this XD)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Smilies =P

So, how're you all my fellow readers? Today's post is about SMILIES!!! Personally I am a huge abuser/rapist/harrasser of smilies ^^ (That is a good thing XD). I really think smilies should be used by everyone online. They really do help cheer the guy/girl on the other end up XD and also help display your facial expression ^^ (I am smiling at this very moment).

The smilies I abuse/rape/harrass are these ones:

^^ = The general purpose 'cheerful' smilie. This one is basically uses when I'm very happy or trying to soften the tone of something ^^ (Was originally ^_^)

XD = The cheeky smilie. Along with ^^, these two are the most commonly abused smilies by me. They are mah FAVOURITES!!!! Haha! Also used for general purposes ^^ (Was originally xD)

>< The 'nooooooo!' smilie. Used to show a soft-hearted dislike ^^

---" The "Whaaat..." or "Wtf..." smilie. A great smilie to use when responding to fails. (Was originally -_-")

Those are the ones I currently (well, kinda currently) use. I'm thinking of adding the =P and the =3= smilie to the list of commonly abused smilies, but they haven't gotten into my habit yet XD

So, why I think smilies are cool:
> They show your emotions really well. Way better than a 'Haha' (cos that just sounds sarcastic and unenthusiastic XD)
> They make the other person cheerful, like you want to talk to they and you're having a great time chatting ^^
> They look cool!!!!

Haha, my readers, make sure you use smilies in your texts, emails, messages cos they DO make the receiving end feel better and happy ^^ I swear I'll be using smilies even when I'm like 30. I am like totally addicted to using them, such a habit!

Have a tiiiiime guys!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Kaltxí again, aysmuk.

So recently, I've been getting a few complaints about my blog killing the flowers due to its very necro-affiliated nature. I've also been getting complaints as to causing the sun not to rise in some parts of the world (clearly it was not my fault)! A few other complaints mentioned dying kittens, exploding books and whatnot. So in order to subdue these angry people I will not be talking about how crap my life is because if I do, there will not be many happy people and I will get blamed for the above again (which does not make my life any better)

As to the other complaints, I really could not understand them. Here's an example: "0M9U5W7F88Q? Qu17 |<1ll1n9 73h fl0wRz d00d. U r 7074lly 3m0. U 5uck! kThXb41." Apologies, Mr. I-cannot-speak-English-for-crap but I truly do not understand a word you are saying. Of course, it could be a compliment, but then it would be a compliment that does not serve it's purpose because I am not very complimented by it. Anyways, why do people write like that? Is it easier for them to type? Does it look cool? No to both questions. It's really hard to read and I believe only a certain group of ninjas called '1337 N1nj45' can understand this ancient language. In fact, this guy might be one of them. Who knows! (OH NOEZ, WE HAVE A NINJA IN THE BLOG! EVERYONE GET OUT YOUR ANTI-SHURIKEN SHIELDS!)

Dear Readers (the ones that I can understand), I will do my best to entertain you without killing anything. If you have any ideas on what I should blog about, please do contact me via my forum, my email ( or even by posting in this post. Well, I've ran out of things to talk about today but I'll probably do another post later tonight.


Monday, January 4, 2010


Kaltxí aysmuk. (Hello, brothers and sisters)

Again we turn to another hilarious, but tragic, episode of my life. You may think it is funny, as I intend to make you think, but in fact it is not funny at all. I trust you have read my previous post. Yes, it is about that. Mr Malevolent has decided to lead another assault on my already fail and falling-apart life. He has dropped two bombs on my life, one bomb called 'mother' and one bomb called 'father'.

So, exactly what's the problem? Well, I for one can not survive without my internet. I lead a fail life where nothing works out. You can compare my life to a jigsaw puzzle... where none of the puzzle pieces match. I am feeling more and more dead day by day. My msn and other online chatting methods extremely valuable to my life and now my parents forbid it. Do they not know how important it is to me? Do they think I use it just for fun? No. It required for my living. It is like the oxygen you breathe. You may want MSN, but let me tell you, I NEED it.

I do not like Mr Malevolent. I do not like his bombs. Given the chance I would do utterly horrible things to Mr Malevolent. However Mr Malevolent is not a physical being, so I am never given that chance. Again, as you have probably predicted, Mr Malevolent's driving-next-to-a-cliff skills are not top-notch... and neither are his 'flying bus' skills. So let me describe to you what exactly is happening in this metaphor of mine. We are in free-fall... no, free fall implies you are free. We are in 'prison fall' and no, we are not gracefully falling off the cliff, we are smashing against the cliff face. It is not fun at all.

You might ask, what do I do now, that I am not allowed to use MSN while doing work? I do not do work at all. I troll. I troll by lying on the sofa belly-down, face-up, arms to the side and just think. Think how fail my life is. How it is crumbling away, being destroyed by the impact of two bombs.

No one understands how I feel now, you know? It is very tragic. And do not say that you do understand, because you do not. And if you did understand, you would definately had had this experience before, that everything before your eyes is crumbling, then perhaps you would understand. But, then I feel extremely sorry for you, because this feeling is not very nice at all.

Hopefully I have not just destroyed your spirits, wilted the flower, or killed the sun. My heart is almost dead.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Parents. Freaking Parents.

Ok, in this post I will be ranting about my parents. They really piss me off. So they expect me to like study all day. I clearly don't want to because I have better stuff to be doing. So when I'm doing my homework, I'm usually chatting to friends on the computer as well. So Mr Malecolent decided to be a bastard (not unusual) and gave them a freaking idea.

Now whenever I'm doing work they have this dipshit software which allows them see my monitor from another computer. This is really a piece of shit cos it means I can't talk to my friends/blog/forum a lot anymore. See what dipshits they are?

Before this I would be talking to my friends, but at least I was also doing some work. So MSN+Work come as a package. Now because they have just pissed me off by not letting me on MSN, etc I have decided that because MSN and Work are such good friends, I am not going to separate them. Either I have MSN AND work, or none at all.

My parents clearly do not understand how much MSN and talking online means to me. It's like my life and getting rid of this has like, in a way, killed me. I am not very happy and you notice this post is not funny in the slightest. I'll tell you why it's not funny, cos my situation, it isn't really funny. It's just 'deep in shit'. I really hate my parents, they're such bastards. Being so freaking slack to me (oh, don't think I haven't tried to reason with them, cos I have, it doesn't help tho).

So cya (of course there'll be more post, maybe not so frequently unfortunately).