Thursday, December 24, 2009

Introduction ^^

Well, this is the first post of my first blog ^^
So I suppose I should introduce myself!
So they call me 'Freepoints', 'EruZetto' or 'LordZxil' usually (I have many other aliases but if I named them all here, well... it'll take up the whole page!).
So I'll list a few facts about myself just to give you a basic picture of myself.
> I am 17 right now (25/12/09)
> I live a very boring life.
> I like to imagine my life is interesting.
> I like to talk to people online ^^
> I used to like reading manga (not anymore except for 'Liar Game'
> I don't really listen to music much.
> I'm not very talkative in real life.
> I can get pretty crazy and hyped up online though (Really talkative online if you're interesting ^^)
> I am an ISFJ (from the MBTI personality indicator)
> That means I like protecting and helping my friends, family, loved one.

There's a lot more I'd like to tell you, but then the list would get too long ^^ I'm really active on the internet so you can expect this blog to be regularly updated!

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