Friday, December 25, 2009

Book and Apples

Ok, I here, will describe to you how books and apples are alike. I have a very specified taste in both.

If a book does not capture me within the first chapter I will probably put it down and never read it again - I can't stand boring books, even if it does get better in the middle. Apples are very much the same, if an apple is not hard and crunchy I will not eat it. I really hate mushy apples, they taste horrible!

Nowadays I don't have much time for reading leisure books because of schoolwork I am force to read English texts, such as 'Frankenstein' and 'Romulus my father'. Yes, they are boring book and were it up to me, I would've thrown them away ages ago.

It is nearing my HSC and now I actually have to read the texts. Previously what I did was either watch the film version or just sparknotes it. Note, English is my downfall subject and were it not for it I would have no problem getting an ATAR (University Admission Rank) of over 95. So now what I must do is focus more on English, strengthening my weak point. And so what I do intend to do is Read the book AND sparknotes it. A very boring task, as you have probably guessed.

Now I will talk about fruits. I had never really like fruits since I was a kid, except Mango. Mango was my favuorite fruit. I disliked oranges and apples immensely. However as I get older, no doubt my taste changes. Mango's do not reign much higher than others, though it still is my favourite. I do like crunchy, sweet apples and sweet oranges. Bananas are not bad, though I have not had one in years.

Anyways, there you go! Another random post about a random topic XD


  1. "Book and Apples" --> twlight XD
    i love mushy apples, as long as they're sweet! (: you have to like pineapples & watermelon! (:

  2. Pinapples are good so long as they're not too sour.
    Watermelons are good when chilled and sweet ^^
