Thursday, December 31, 2009

Learning Na'vi

So, my dear readers, unfortunately for you I really can't think of anything sardonic to post about. Apologies for that. It may be quite a while be Mr Malevolent decides to attack me again.

Anyways, today I had begun to learn the language of the Na'vi, the Natives of Pandora in the movie AVATAR. The Na'vi language is a growing language and has already got a huge site teaching others to speak the language, Click Here. The site teaches you everything you need to know to become decent at Na'vi, including vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. The site also has a forum for discussing mainly the language, but also anything AVATAR related. So everyone I would encourage you all to learn the language and help it grow ^^

Have a time guys ^^

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I am ISFJ.

Ok, for those that know me, I am an ISFJ (from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI). The ISFJ is known as 'The Protector' or 'The Martyr' and is usually characterised by a caring nature. And here's a few quotes that are true for me ^^ (in fact the MBTI predicted my personality to a degree of about 90%)

(The green are the REALLY strong ones in myself ^^)

"intimate relationship their first priority in life"

"They are dependable and affectionate lovers."

"are likely to be very sensitive to other people's feelings"

"ISFJs need positive feedback from others. In the absence of positive feedback, or in the face of criticism, the ISFJ gets discouraged, and may even become depressed."

"The ISFJ is warm, generous, and dependable."

(I would gladly die to protect my lover, friends and family.)

"ISFJs have a difficult time leaving a relationship which is bad, or accepting that a relationship is over."

"In general, the ISFJ is usually a traditional, family-minded individual who places the comfort of their mates and families as their first priority in life."

"ISFJs have a rich inner world that is not usually obvious to observers."

"ISFJs are extremely aware of their own internal feelings, as well as other people's feelings. They do not usually express their own feelings, keeping things inside."

"If they are negative feelings, they may build up inside the ISFJ until they turn into firm judgments against individuals"

"The ISFJ feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty."

"When down on themselves or under great stress, the ISFJ begins to imagine all of the things that might go critically wrong in their life."

Sunday, December 27, 2009

*Mr Malevolent and I*

Ok so I will talk to you about my Fail Life. Life is Fail (well, at least mine is). Life is even an anagram of fail! That's how fail it is. Rearrnge the letters in FAIL and you get LIFA... oh wait... close enough.

There is a guy like God, except he is not God. God is described in the bible as benevolent, kind, caring, loving - positive words. This guy controlling my life, who I shall call Mr. Malevolent is not God at all. He does not resemble God in the slightest. He is malicious and evil. He purposely makes my life suck.

I can just imagine how my life could be so good. Why can't everything just work out? That's what I wondered once but now I know. I'll tell you why everything can't 'just work out': It is because Mr Malevolent is a f***. He does not like people being happy.

Other people have God guiding them, they lead good, cheerful lives. Some people do not believe in God, but Mr Malevolent does not set his eye on them either, so they live average lives. Then there is the third type of life, where I belong. This third type of life is guided by Mr Malevolent and thus are destined for failure. Now, just to make sure you are clear on this I will use a metaphor:

Imagine a man driving a bus and you are on that bus. Now, there are three buses like that. The first bus is driven by God. Ahhh, look how he drives on the highway next to a cliff! Look how how avoids the obstacles, clearly driving like a good consciencious citizen! His passengers are safe!

Now the second bus, has no driver! But it is on a highway, moving straight. This highway is straight, so this bus is not falling off. Though the passengers in this bus are having a very bumpy ride, as they have no driver and the bus is just running over the obstacles, it is at least decently safe.

I am on the third bus. This bus is driven by Mr Malevolent. What he is doing resembles that of a Iraqi terrorist. He is driving the bus - driving it right off the cliff. Safe and this third bus are antonyms of each other. If you are on this third bus, you are not safe. If you are safe, you are not on this third bus.

Hopefully, you understand my life. It spells 'FAIL'. Now, I do not know why Mr Malevolent chose me to be in his FAIL bus. Perhaps he thought it would be intersting. Perhaps, God, Mr Malevolent and Mr I-Do-Not-Exist rollin dice and I just happened to be unlucky and Mr Malevolent rolled a 6 and won me - not cool.

However, I have not lost in this game of life. Mr Malevolent has not defeated me yet. I still have one more weapon - Hope. Some people (points to the person of name whose name I shall not name) do not believe in hope and think it is a piece of crap. I tell you, person whose name I shall not name, Hope does exist and it is not crap. Even if there is a low chance of something happening, if you have hope, if you have faith, it will happen. Nothing is 100%.

Have a time guys ^^ Hope you liked my representation of my dull, screwed up life XD

The LordZxil Forums

So, as you may have noticed, I own a forum at Basically this forum started off as a nothing forum. We didn't really specialise in anything before and we had like 20 members (of which like 0 posted XD), so I ditched the forum and left it. A few years later, a friend of mine, Falzar FZ, and I got together and decided to make the forum specialise in DS Action Replay Codes (Hack codes for DS). And since then we've been getting more and more members. I'd proudly announce the game that got us over a thousand members - "Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon Time/Darkness". That was probably the first 'boost' of members and the forum slowly started becoming active.

Too little people posted, and most of the members just joined to steal our codes (you have to register to see the codes). We called them leechers. We decided to implement a few stuff which forced them to post before they could see the codes and it kinda worked. Not fabulously, but it worked at least.

Right now, we have about 4000 members, which about 10 post, lol XD It's kind of like a family there ^^ and of course, anyone is welcome at first. There are rules, as everything has rules, but if you follow them, you'll be alright ^^ It's a really nice place so I suggest you go check it pout and have some fun. Cheers. ^^

Saturday, December 26, 2009

*My Six Week External Suspension*

Right now, you may think it is the Christmas Holidays for me, or perhaps you may call it 'Summer Vacation'. You are wrong. This is not the Xmas Holidays. XMas holidays are supposed to be fun, spending time with family, going out with friends, eating out, enjoying yourself altogether. What I am doing now does not resemble 'fun' in the slightest.

I am in a Six Week External Suspension from School which is disguising, and may I add, doing a very poor job, as a Xmas Holiday. Clearly my Suspension is not the best disguiser in the world. This suspension I have been given involves a lot of English and Math homework, and so you can see - It does not resemble a Holiday in the slightest. I even wonder if my Suspension is even attempting to disguise as a Holiday. Perhaps it is not. So I have deducted it is either: A very poor disguiser or it is not attempting to disguise.

As you probably already know, the God of Suspensions disapproves of 'fun'. However he does require rest, and those rest periods of his are the times where I can sneak some fun into my suspension to survive. However this God of Suspensions has caught out the highlight of my holidays, an event which I was most looking forward to, and has swiftly, might i say, destroyed it. Banished it from the realm of Suspensions.

The God of Suspensions is tricky! He does not tell you he is there! But you know that he is watching you, making sure you do not have fun. He is a very cruel bastard.

And from all that, you begin to see, exactly how my Suspension does not resemble 'Holiday' in the slightest. This suspension is not enjoyable at all, unlike Holidays and thus this has revealed to me that what I am stuck in right now, is not a holiday, but a suspension doing a very poor (or perhaps no) job of trying to be one.

Again, as I say, this post is not to create sympathies, but to offer you a humourous, sardonic view on my life. Have a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime, guys ^^

Friday, December 25, 2009

Book and Apples

Ok, I here, will describe to you how books and apples are alike. I have a very specified taste in both.

If a book does not capture me within the first chapter I will probably put it down and never read it again - I can't stand boring books, even if it does get better in the middle. Apples are very much the same, if an apple is not hard and crunchy I will not eat it. I really hate mushy apples, they taste horrible!

Nowadays I don't have much time for reading leisure books because of schoolwork I am force to read English texts, such as 'Frankenstein' and 'Romulus my father'. Yes, they are boring book and were it up to me, I would've thrown them away ages ago.

It is nearing my HSC and now I actually have to read the texts. Previously what I did was either watch the film version or just sparknotes it. Note, English is my downfall subject and were it not for it I would have no problem getting an ATAR (University Admission Rank) of over 95. So now what I must do is focus more on English, strengthening my weak point. And so what I do intend to do is Read the book AND sparknotes it. A very boring task, as you have probably guessed.

Now I will talk about fruits. I had never really like fruits since I was a kid, except Mango. Mango was my favuorite fruit. I disliked oranges and apples immensely. However as I get older, no doubt my taste changes. Mango's do not reign much higher than others, though it still is my favourite. I do like crunchy, sweet apples and sweet oranges. Bananas are not bad, though I have not had one in years.

Anyways, there you go! Another random post about a random topic XD

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My XMas Day

So now that all of you have probably (or not) caught up to a decent degree of my life, I will talk about today! Despite what date it says I posted this, it is in fact Christmas Day (I think the blog is set on GMT time or something).

Many people have joyful XMas's where they spend the day having a party with family friends, friends, etc. However that is not me XD I spent my day reading and summarising Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (a task for English). It is not the most fabulous book on Earth ---"

So this is what I've been up to this XMas:
> Reading and summarising Frankenstein
> Doing some very tedious work including lots of Copy and Pasting.
> Talking to friends (via MSN and Facebook)
> Occasionally eating out (once or twice, which really isn't 'occasionally', but we'll let it go XD)
> Designing Ambigrams (which is indeed very cool, a major highlight of these holidays)

Merry Xmas? I don't think so XD However this post is not to create sympathy and such, but I do like to add a sardonic tone to this post on my boring day XD And so, to everyone, I hope YOU have a Merry XMas and a Happy New Year and if not, don't worry! Because I am one of you! ^^

Phone Diary

I used to have two human diaries, one I call "Diary of the World" and the other I call "Diary of Secrets". So basically they're just friends of mine who I talk to online and to the ".World" I describe my day and life and to ".Secrets" I share my secrets (cos it's nice to have someone to talk to!). They weren't actually formal diaries that would remember everything, but just friends I would talk to ^^ But then I decided I actually need to record my thoughts for my future self!
(They are actually both retired now as ".World" is too busy with her world and I don''t exactly have anymore secrets to share with ".Secrets" XD)

So about few months ago I was thinking, "I need a diary to record my fabulous thoughts!" and then decided to use my phone as a diary by creating and dating notes. But now I look at this blog and think, "Heyyyyy I can use this as my diary! What an ingenious idea!" Though of course this is public, as my secrets will obviously not be very 'secret' here, so I do s'pose this blog doesn't serve the full purpose of a diary >< But for the not-secret stuff, it can go here and have you all, my dear readers, ponder and wonder on my most intriguing and complex (yet Simple XD) thoughts.

Have a time, guys. ^^

Introduction ^^

Well, this is the first post of my first blog ^^
So I suppose I should introduce myself!
So they call me 'Freepoints', 'EruZetto' or 'LordZxil' usually (I have many other aliases but if I named them all here, well... it'll take up the whole page!).
So I'll list a few facts about myself just to give you a basic picture of myself.
> I am 17 right now (25/12/09)
> I live a very boring life.
> I like to imagine my life is interesting.
> I like to talk to people online ^^
> I used to like reading manga (not anymore except for 'Liar Game'
> I don't really listen to music much.
> I'm not very talkative in real life.
> I can get pretty crazy and hyped up online though (Really talkative online if you're interesting ^^)
> I am an ISFJ (from the MBTI personality indicator)
> That means I like protecting and helping my friends, family, loved one.

There's a lot more I'd like to tell you, but then the list would get too long ^^ I'm really active on the internet so you can expect this blog to be regularly updated!